Shameful Shamefulness

From Taj Mahon-Haft:

I am tearfully, ragingly disgusted by what happened recently in Texas. and again in Buffalo. And in a California church the next day. And a Michigan school a few months back. And so on and so forth literally hundreds of times each recent year. I literally live amongst those judged and labeled murderer and thug, and literally nothing I have seen or heard here even comes close to the tragedy of these mass shootings. 

Certainly he holds moral responsibility for his own atrocious violence, but I don’t primarily blame that kid in Buffalo. Or any of the others. All of their hatred is but a reflect of the screeds and tropes and political rhetoric that has been dumped endlessly upon them by society. Particularly lately, by certain politicians, corporations, and conservative activists, to drum up fear and division. Entirely their own gain, without conscience. 

Every idea these mass shooters express come from somewhere. They are clearly regurgitating and acting upon the hatred they’ve been fed. Replacement theory. Schools indoctrinating kids. Secret cabals kidnapping. It’s all nonsense and disproven factually.

But the hate it sows and the violence ir reaps are so very real. Hate is its own cage built from fear by those with something to gain when we don’t tolerate each other. I am saddened, enraged, and determine, and I see where this random killing comes from.

This has often been and can still be the greatest nation on Earth… but only when we stick honestly to providing life, liberty, and happiness o all our people (not the corporations, only humans!). Only when we don’t trap our citizens in dungeons of hatred and fear.

I ask everyone to consider: Who wins and profits when anyone, regardless of clear issues, can get an assault rifle and all the extended clips they want? Is that really a “right” that you want our society to protect? How does that compare in your value system with the unprotected right to guaranteed health care? Or with an equally funded, uncensored education designed and taught by professionally trained teachers? 

Our values are reflected in our priorities and policies. Many lately have made me feel ashamed. How about you?

“shameful shamelessness” — Taj Mahon-Haft

Gladys is 91, just buried Anthony after
65 years of patient, faithful daily life,
got arthritis everywhere and no one left to
need her, grandkids gone to school in California
seeding hopes where they still grow
upon the dimes she saves decades selling groceries
in this one-stoplight, no-strangers town.
Medicare may pay some doctor’s bills
but only if she drives hours to hospital,
no one near to take her or mow the lawn,
while politicians with designer suits and
taxpayer paid full coverage argue nightly
whether “we” can afford health for everyone.

Easier for teens to find an online sale
on what a Kardashian wore last night
than how or where to register to vote.

In this land of native embarrassment,
not your land, not my land,
just corporate Pleasure Island,
home of shameful shamelessness,
we should but never do see our priorities
reflected in the tears of dying dreams and mothers.

More folks have a phone to stream Netflix
than clean water from their taps at home.
Two-thirds of America sees policing’s racist still,
yet two-thirds still refuse an historic apology.
More kids have seen dad hit mom
than the centerpiece at any museum
or the encore at a single show.

Hunter’s 15 and angry now after
one online comment to one false friend
found him judged and labeled fag by hundreds
in the Heartland where curiosity hurts forever.
So Hunter loads his shells and blasts his hate,
like family and party taught him manly,
instead of how to metaphor or cry.

In this land of native embarrassment,
not your land, not my land,
just corporate Pleasure Island,
home of shameful shamelessness,
we should but never do look at our priorities
reflected in the tears of dying hopes and brothers.

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