Parent, Trapped
We wrote a book — and by we, we mean a whole bunch of us! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed a letter.
Book Release
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When we see each other as human, our world will be humane. And what is more fundamentally human than our love for our children? Even from behind bars parents hope, guide, scold, and especially love, though this deep layer is almost never considered in our criminal justice reform dialogue. To provide that narrative, The Humanization Project is proud to announce the release of Parent, Trapped: Voices of Parenthood from Behind Bars available on Amazon.
Inspired first by one powerful personal bond, our co founders compiled an unprecedented collection of voices of caring parents, trapped behind bars. Their raw letters to their children are both heart-rending and mind-opening, demanding readers consider the familial impacts of mass incarceration. Taking this unprecedented perspective further, this volume then melds personal experience with sociological knowledge to elucidate the many ways in which the Virginia prison system unnecessarily compounds the negative impacts of incarceration on entire families. Kids, parents, partners, everyone suffers more than is necessary. No mere grievance collection, the authors then offer specific, feasible, evidence-driven policy suggestions that provide a roadmap to strengthening our families and communities disrupted by incarceration.
This book should be read by anyone seeking a three dimensional understanding of the people impacted by the criminal justice system. The Humanization Project, immersed in Virginia’s reform movement, hopes this family-oriented perspective will provide the frame leaders and voters need to finally act boldly to improve the lives and chances of all citizens, especially people suffering the impacts of their loved ones getting locked up.