The Fighting Tree

Everyone deserves to be treated humanely and seen as human.

Simple and obvious as that sounds, when it comes to criminal justice there remains a lot of resistance to that notion. Most stems from uninformed misperceptions through transmitted mass media which we counter with many gently humanizing projects. However, some stems from informed malice and political expediency. Thus, there are times that call for more direct work, when the pen must be used as a sword in battle for second chances and equality.

Luckily, we have advocates fierce in their commitment to change. One founder’s outspokenness is even the root of his prison time, the other his partner. Having already faced that nightmare and come out better for it, even having written and passed major reform legislation already, we are dedicated to the good fight.

More Than My Conviction - Jason McDonald

Hello, my name is Jason W. McDonald (#1196192), and I am 42 years old. I have been incarcerated for 11 years now. I was sentenced…

Op-Ed: Youngkin's Disingenuous Amendments Harm VA Families.

YOUNGKIN’S DISINGENUOUS AMENDMENTS HARM VA FAMILIES By: Timothy Rumage, Aubrey “Mikey” Berryman, Taj Alexander Mahon-Haft Whatever your take on a gas tax holiday, it was never…


By: Justice (Hon. Harry A. Traynham) I’m in prison, yet I remain upbeat and I’ve managed to maintain a positive outlook on life. I’ve held on…

Op-Ed: Unite for Second Chances with Second Look

Unite for Second Chances with Second Look By: Taj Mahon-Haft As anywhere trauma and deprivation reign, hope is priceless and all too rare behind bars.…

Op-Ed: Reading Between the Lines of Education

Reading Between the Lines on Education By: Taj Mahon-Haft Watching the election and Youngkin’s early days, I am both impressed and perplexed. Impressed by his…

How to Build a Law

By: The Humanization Project …the authors/champions of the (original, including everyone) ESC expansion bill, and coauthors of 2nd Look and Anti-Profiteering bills, among others.  Not…

Shameful Shamefulness

From Taj Mahon-Haft: I am tearfully, ragingly disgusted by what happened recently in Texas. and again in Buffalo. And in a California church the next…

Juvenile Justice ~ Interview with Jana White of the Virginia Coalition for the Fair Sentencing of Youth

Chatting with Jana White about Juvenile Justice.

A Note on Recent Media Coverage of Parole ~ From The Humanization Project

Photo by JD X on Unsplash Mass incarceration adversely affects hundreds of thousands of families in Virginia today, interrupting many communities. Its costs are high for children, partners,…

Virginia 2020 Criminal Justice Reform Summary ~ From Taj Mahon-Haft, Co-Founder of the Humanization Project

Hello, Criminal Justice Reform Supporters! The Humanization Project thanks everyone for all the help and support during this year’s legislative session. What mixed feelings we…

From Criminal Justice & Environmental Justice ~ Interview with Richard Walker

Chatting with Richard Walker, founder of Bridging the Gap in Virginia. ~ Note from Gin: Richard does so much amazing work, I don’t really know…
A Positive Force Against Evil ~ Interview with Anthony M. Jordan

A Positive Force Against Evil ~ Interview with Anthony M. Jordan

What do you spend most of your time doing? The majority of my time is spent educating myself and others on social and political issues.…
Why is the 2019 election in Virginia so important for reform?

Why is the 2019 election in Virginia so important for reform?

*Note from Gin ~ Sorry for not editing. This came from the guys who have started an organization called P.O.I.N.T. (Positive Offenders Implementing New Thinking)…
Who am I? ~ Sypder Dolan ~ Interview

Who am I? ~ Sypder Dolan ~ Interview

Photo by Nicolas Picard on Unsplash ~ Note from Gin ~ Spyder was instantly recommended to me for an interview by Prince before our interview day was over,…