By: Justice (Hon. Harry A. Traynham) I’m in prison, yet I remain upbeat and I’ve managed to maintain a positive outlook on life. I’ve held on to and continue to hold on to an innovative spirit, and through all the hardships and struggles that come with being in prison, I’ve grown to reach for a higher […]

Stand Up Under the Banner of Pride ~ By Jeffrey R. Chaney

As usual, I have been behind getting writing posted up here. So much is going on with COVID-19 advocacy and other things. Jeff is on my mind right now though because he is facing the end of his prison sentence and uncertainty about what is next to come. We are featuring a series of his […]

Childhood and Prison Life ~ Interview with Keith Lamont Flemming

Recognizing Humanity ~ Interview with Harry (Justice) Tranyham

Justice is a true leader in his community. He resides at State Farm Enterprise Unit with my partner. I have known him to be driven and proactive, organizing men there for the betterment of themselves and others. He, along with a few others including my partner, have started an organization called P.O.I.N.T. which he will […]

Be a Navigator ~ Robert ~ Interview

~ Note from Gin ~ My apologies as I have been moving and then away and have not gotten a chance to update interviews or blog posts. So much is in the pipeline. I hope you all will stay tuned for all we have to come. This interview with Robert is a simple one. I […]

Who am I? ~ Sypder Dolan ~ Interview

~ Note from Gin ~ Spyder was instantly recommended to me for an interview by Prince before our interview day was over, and I instantly loved his writing. He has shared a lot with me that I am not including here, but he went through our questions as well. I am including the questions and […]

Grieving Behind Bars

*Please note, names have been changed for the protection and consideration of all involved.* Grieving Behind Bars ~ by Taj Mahon-Haft ~ I first met Roy as a recommendation of a positive leader in my new pod. I only knew a few people and it was time to recruit the best guys to help as […]

No Place to Pee

*Please note, names have been changed for the protection and consideration of all involved.* No Place to Pee ~ by Taj Mahon-Haft ~ I confess that I did not know Hooch at all before this event, and I still only know him through a few harried conversations.  Prison is funny that way. I know a […]

A Moment of Need

~ by Taj Mahon-Haft ~ *Names have been changed for privacy’s sake.* Mr. Fern is my neighbor here. He sleeps across the hall and six doors down–about forty feet away. Since I arrived here, before even living on the same floor as him, he has bent over backwards to offer me a smile and friendly […]