More Than My Conviction – Jason McDonald

Hello, my name is Jason W. McDonald (#1196192), and I am 42 years old. I have been incarcerated for 11 years now. I was sentenced to 26 years active imprisonment despite Virginia’s state guidelines calling for a range of only 5.5 to 12 years (these guidelines reflect the presentencing report done for everyone convicted of […]

Op-Ed: Youngkin’s Disingenuous Amendments Harm VA Families.

YOUNGKIN’S DISINGENUOUS AMENDMENTS HARM VA FAMILIES By: Timothy Rumage, Aubrey “Mikey” Berryman, Taj Alexander Mahon-Haft Whatever your take on a gas tax holiday, it was never Youngkin’s real goal with last week’s budget amendments. It was a salient talking point to misdirect public attention from inhumane policies. It worked. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of families with […]

Op-Ed: Unite for Second Chances with Second Look

Unite for Second Chances with Second Look By: Taj Mahon-Haft As anywhere trauma and deprivation reign, hope is priceless and all too rare behind bars. Around here, we’re all closely following this legislative session, often with anxiety and sadness. Too many politicians followed an election season of ads demonizing us with a raft of bills […]

How to Build a Law

By: The Humanization Project …the authors/champions of the (original, including everyone) ESC expansion bill, and coauthors of 2nd Look and Anti-Profiteering bills, among others.  Not good enough but more years are about to be earned back by more people than ever in VA’s history. The original version (without exclusions) of the ESC bill doing that […]

Shameful Shamefulness

From Taj Mahon-Haft: I am tearfully, ragingly disgusted by what happened recently in Texas. and again in Buffalo. And in a California church the next day. And a Michigan school a few months back. And so on and so forth literally hundreds of times each recent year. I literally live amongst those judged and labeled […]

Juvenile Justice ~ Interview with Jana White of the Virginia Coalition for the Fair Sentencing of Youth

A Positive Force Against Evil ~ Interview with Anthony M. Jordan

What do you spend most of your time doing? The majority of my time is spent educating myself and others on social and political issues. I do this by studying history. One of my favorite authors, Dr. John Henrik Clarke once stated that, “history is the clock that people use to tell their political and […]

Standing up for justice in all regards ~ New Interview with BeKura ~

Who am I? ~ Sypder Dolan ~ Interview

~ Note from Gin ~ Spyder was instantly recommended to me for an interview by Prince before our interview day was over, and I instantly loved his writing. He has shared a lot with me that I am not including here, but he went through our questions as well. I am including the questions and […]