By: Justice (Hon. Harry A. Traynham)

I’m in prison, yet I remain upbeat and I’ve managed to maintain a positive outlook on life. I’ve held on to and continue to hold on to an innovative spirit, and through all the hardships and struggles that come with being in prison, I’ve grown to reach for a higher idea of humanity. You may ask, how can a prisoner and humanity coexist? Well, my answer is simple– education. You may think that’s too simple of an answer. I assure you it’s not, but let me clarify my answer.

Education and Humanity go hand in hand. It is a symbiotic relationship where each one cultivates the other. To have humanity, one must have an idea of humanity. This why education is a factor; it is through the means of education that one’s perception of humanity develops. In turn, humanity extends the freedom to learn and a respect for the educational process. Okay, with that in mind, let me start again.

I’m in prison; in this prison, an ol’ head passed me a book, “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.” It came with instruction, “No Matter How You Do Your Time Always Educate Yourself.” That instruction was the beginning of my educational process. I took pride in learning. As a result, I elevated my consciousness, which in turn cultivated a sense of conscience within me, and that laid the foundation for my humanity. Okay, I have some more explaining to do.

Humanity is our quality to be humane towards one another and life in general. Humanity is that pure act of righteousness that exists in spite of all the inhumane conditions we face. It is one’s ability to be against a social norm when that social norm threatens the common course of human kind. Humanity is the acceptance of a condemned man and giving that man a chance to learn to be more than his condemnation. Humanity is restorative, and education is the force that pushes humanity along. Let me take a step back and start again.

I’m in prison; in prison, I met an ol’ head who gave me an instruction that put me on a path of education. I followed that path, I worked the process, I elevated my consciousness, and I developed a conscience. I began to understand humanity and because of that understanding I learned such things as remorse, compassion, and empathy, and I gained the ability to apologize. As a result, I am now a student of humanity who constantly works to reach a higher idea of humanity. It is in this idea of humanity that we as a people, a civilization, can truly grow beyond the difficulties we face.

In these times of stratification, marginalization, mass incarcerarion, many forms of violence, racism, sexism, disease, and untimely death, we have to fight not to lose our humanity! We all have a responsibility to educate one another to be able to respect and live humanely. Okay, let me explain by starting again.

I’m in prison; in prison, I was EDUCATED to embrace the COMMON THREAD OF HUMANITY.

“Minds are like parachutes, they only function when open.”
–Thomas Dewar